Board of Commissioners of the Company as of May 16, 2024
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Mr. Lokita Prasetya, 58 years old, is an Indonesian Citizen and was appointed as President Commissioner of the Company pursuant to the approval of AGM of the Company dated May 6, 2021. Currently, He also serves as Director of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk. Previously, He served as President Director of PT Sulfindo Adiusaha (2016-2017), President Director of PT Merak Energi Indonesia (2007-2016), Director of PT Artha Sumatera Energi (2010-2016), Director of PT Satomo Indovyl Polymer, and PT Satomo Indovyl Monomer (1994-2002), and the Executive Director of PT Standard Toyo Polymer (1993-1995). He graduated from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in 1987, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and held a Master’s degree in management from IPMI School of Economics in 2004.
Mr. Lokita Prasetya has an affiliation with the substantial shareholder and/or controlling shareholders of the Company. He is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company.
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Mr. Achmad Ananda Djajanegara, 58 years old, an Indonesian citizen and was appointed as Vice President Commissioner of the Company pursuant to the approval of the AGM of the Company dated May 16, 2024. Currently, He serves as President Director of PT ABM Investama Tbk since 2009. He also serves as Member of Board of Commisioner of in several subsidiaries of PT ABM Investama Tbk. Previously, He served as Managing Director of the PT ABM Investama Tbk (2009-2010), Chief Strategy Officer PT Tiara Marga Trakindo (2008-2009), Managing Director Standard Chartered Bank (2007-2008), Senior Director Standard Chartered Bank (2006-2007), and Partner Corporate Finance and Advisory Fund Asia (2004-2006). He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia, Depok (1990) and Master of Business Administration from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1992).
Mr. Achmad Ananda Djajanegara has an affiliation with the substantial shareholder and/or controlling shareholders of the Company. He is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
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Mr. Alex Sutanto, 37 years old, an Indonesian Citizen and was appointed as the Commissioners of the Company pursuant to the approval of the EGM of the Company dated July 29, 2022. Currently, He also serves as Director of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk, in accordance with the Annual Meeting Shareholders of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk dated 28 May 2021. He also serves as Commissioner and Director in several subsidiaries of PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk. Previously, He served as Group Head Finance, Accounting, and Tax PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (2020-2021), Group Head Finance, Accounting, Tax, and Customs PT DSSP Power Mas Utama (2016-2020), and Senior Manager Auditor KAP Satrio Bing & Eny (Deloitte) (2007-2016). He graduated with a Bachelor degree in Accounting from Universitas Atma Jaya (2008) and Professional Accountant from Universitas Trisakti (2011).
Mr. Alex Sutanto has an affiliation with the substantial shareholder and/or controlling shareholders of the Company. He is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
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Feriwan Sinatra COMMISSIONER |
Mr. Feriwan Sinatra, 57 years old, an Indonesian Citizen. He was appointed as Commissioner of the Company pursuant to the approval of the AGM of the Company dated May 16, 2024. Currently, He serves as President Commissioner of PT Cipta Kridatama since 2024, and he serves as Member of Board of Commisioner of in several subsidiaries of PT ABM Investama Tbk since 2022. He also serves as Member of Board of Commissioner Company’s Subsidiaries since 2022. Previously, He served as Vice President Director of the Company (2022-2024), President Director of PT Cipta Kridatama (2017-2024), General Manager Mining Operation PT Kaltim Prima Coal (2008-2012), Director PT Tunas Inti Abadi (2012-2015) and President Director PT Reswara Minergi Hartama (2015-2017).He graduated with a Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering from Institute of Technology Bandung (1991).
Mr. Feriwan Sinatra has an affiliation with the substantial shareholder and/or controlling shareholders of the Company. He is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.
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Mr. Bambang Setiawan, 73 years old, an Indonesian Citizen. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner of the Company pursuant to the approval to the EGM dated January 12, 2012 and then reappointed for the third period by the AGM of the Company dated May 6, 2021. Currently, He serves as Independent Commisoners in PT Trada Alam Minera Tbk. Previously, He was a carrier officer in Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Prior to his retirement in April 1, 2011, He was the Director General of Mineral, Coal, and Geothermal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (since July 2008) and Secretary of Directorate General of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal. Mr. Bambang Setiawan graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (“ITB”), Bachelor Program of Mining Exploration Engineering in 1976. He holds his PhD degree from The Ecole Nationale Superieure Des Mines de Paris, France, majoring in Geology and Mining Exploration in 1993.
Mr. Bambang Setiawan is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, as well as substantial shareholders and/or controlling shareholders of the Company.
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Mr. Ketut Sanjaya, 72 years old, an Indonesian Citizen. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner of the Company pursuant to the approval of the EGM of the Company dated February 21, 2011 and then reappointed for the third period by the AGM of the Company dated May 6, 2021. Currently, He serves as member of Audit Committee of the Company and also member of Audit Committee of PT SMART Tbk and PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk. Previously, He held the position as Commissioners in PT Bank Barclays Indonesia and held the following positions in Bank Indonesia, senior Banking Researcher (2008-2009), Director of Supervisory Bank (2007-2008), The Chairman of Bank of Indonesia branch Denpasar (2004-2007), Bank Supervisor (1994-2004), Bank Examiner (1985-1994), and Credit Analyst (1979-1983). He graduated from Universitas Padjajaran in 1977 majoring in Engineering and Master of Management dari Arthur D Little Management Education Institute, Boston, USA in 1984.
Mr. Ketut Sanjaya is not affiliated with members of Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, as well as substantial shareholders and/or controlling shareholders of the Company.